Is email dead? I should think not! Nearly 1/3 of all online donations can be sourced back to email. 

When presented with that mind-boggling statistic, I’m not quite sure why we (and I mean fundraisers here) have stopped talking about and exploring how charities can optimize their email programs.  Email may not be new and shiny anymore, but it’s part of the backbone of any solid digital or integrated fundraising program. And email success is certainly not as simple as slapping a donate button on your email and pressing send.

This morning I gave this presentation at AFP Ottawa Fundraising Day 2013.


This session is based, in part, on my experience as a digital marketer over the past 10 years, and in part, on my experience with clients here at Good Works.  We work with a lot of charities who are in the early stages of building their online programs – from fixing their websites to developing an email strategy and integrating social media.

This surprised me.  I thought medium-sized and well-known charities would be further ahead in the digital realm.  Some are, but surprisingly, most aren’t.  You need to begin building your online program if you haven’t already, and you need to keep on refining it, as the pace of email innovations and advancements is constantly changing in the online world.

The deck above is a good place to start acquiring the knowledge you need to set up or bring your email program into a current state of affairs. If you need a little bit more assistance, you can drop me an email or here are some of the online services we offer at Good Works.

With charities now seeing 10-25% of their annual revenues sourced from online gifts, you can’t afford not to deliver a strong email fundraising program.

If you want to hear more from Good Works, you can check out more of our past workshop sessions over on SlideShare where we’ve posted a number of our slide decks or have a look at our speaking engagements.