19 results
Marwa El Morsi

Marwa El Morsi

I didn’t stumble into the philanthropic field by accident. To me, helping others has always been a passion. Growing up, my parents

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Nadine Cheney

The world really is a pretty amazing place, despite what the news might say. And, more than anywhere, I’ve learned this through

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Kelly Heaslip

I was born and raised in Ottawa but my family roots stem from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and Western Quebec. Growing up

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Sarah Mansell

Moving from Iran to Canada at 16 years old wasn’t easy. When I first arrived, I didn’t speak English. This made school

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Greg Cosgrove

Born and raised in Nova Scotia, I am proud of my roots that taught me to appreciate community and tight friendships. Design

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Maureen Forrester

Growing up I lived in a small town in southern Ontario with a family obsessed with the outdoors (camping, hiking, canoeing and

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Andrew Warren

A career in philanthropy wasn’t one that I’d even really considered an option for myself until a little bit later in life,

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