2024 Direct Mail Benchmarks


Direct Mail


Direct Mail Benchmarks for Canadian Charities

How does your direct mail fundraising compare to the sector? Download the 2024 Direct Mail Benchmarks Report to find out! It’s packed with the benchmarks you know and love, new KPIs to measure against, and a handy printable one-pager!

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What’s new in Direct Mail Benchmarks 2024, you ask? Well, along with the benchmarks you rely on and the analysis to understand them, we’ve also added even more KPIs to Benchmarks this year!

Download the report to discover:

  • All-new acquisition benchmarks, including a breakdown of how rented lists, traded lists, ex-patients, and unaddressed householders performed.
  • Sub-sector benchmarks just for hospital foundations, along with the overall sector performance.
  • Direct mail campaign benchmarks that set the standard for response rates and average gift, and program benchmarks like renewal rate and reactivation rate.
  • Integration benchmarks to help you get the big picture on your multi-channel campaigns.

As always, this report is all-Canadian, totally free, and made for fundraisers, by fundraisers. Oh yeah, and can we get a round of applause for the 49 Canadian charities who shared their data to make this report possible? They rock!

Download 2024 DM Benchmarks today. Happy reading!

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