Direct Mail



Save the Children – Upgrading Mid-Level Donors with Targeted Direct Mail

New Segmentation, Re-imagined Touchpoints

How do you persuade your most committed, connected direct mail donors to give more than ever?

Well, you start with the data. Using our relational approach to segmentation, we identified donor groups that our experience told us would be open to upgrade – if they were given a compelling enough case to do so!

But, we didn’t want to re-invent the wheel for these donors. Instead, we wanted to maximize what we were already resourced to do. So, we closely examined our creative plan for the year, seeking the perfect mailing for us to build upon. We used our selection, which was grounded in a restricted ask for a specific project, as the jumping off point for a more in-depth mid-level package that would earn a deeper level of generosity.

The combination of a new approach to segmentation that kept mail-responsive donors in the mail program, while re-purposing planned creative, worked exceptionally, generating a 67% increase in gross revenue since implementation.

"Good Works took a significant amount of information that we provided to them about the specific project, distilled it down to a concise and compelling fundraising case that was appropriate for our mid-level donors, and presented it in an eye-catching proposal. They also made data segmentation recommendations for Year 2 that resulted in increased revenue. We also leveraged these data segments for an integrated campaign that included Digital and Telemarketing."

‐ Stephanie Oke
Retention Manager at Save the Children

What worked so well? Our mid-level package used the exact same story, ask and offer, including a matching gift, as the house mailing. We used high-touch components to create a more personalized donor experience, and developed a unique proposal for these donors that provided substantially more detail on STC’s project. By delving deeply into impact and outcomes, and connecting them to the donor’s values, we were able to successfully make the case for these committed folks to give more generously than ever.

And if you’re wondering if the house mailing – from which this mid-level segment was removed, in favour of their customized mid-level package – suffered, the answer is no! Revenue stayed relatively flat year-over-year, meaning that this upgraded revenue was truly net new to the program (rather than simply moving revenue from one place to another).

In Year 2, we continued to optimize our mid-level package, adjusting our segmentation and honing in on creative elements that resonated deeply with the audience. The pay-off was a 31% year-over-year lift in revenue, a response rate 4 points higher than the year before, and an average gift 19% greater than previous.

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Whether you’re ready to take your direct mail program to the next level, dive into the world of digital direct response, or launch the legacy giving program of your dreams, Good Works is here to help you.